Upcoming Europe-wide LIFE Level(s) briefings for raising the quality of building certifications

In the month of May, LIFE Level(s) project is organizing two briefings on which the mapping tool and Level(s) reporting template for building certifications, developed within project’s B.1 Action by German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), will be presented.

After the publication of the updated Level(s) framework, a detailed mapping of Level(s) and national certification schemes has taken place within the LIFE Level(s) project. One of the key results of the project so far has been the development of a common reporting template that allows practitioners to report all Level(s) indicators in a uniform way helping to establish a standard within Europe.

The target groups of the two briefings are Level(s) pilot projects and GBC’s with certification schemes that are outside of the project consortium. Participants will be given the opportunity to give feedback on the template and discuss the challenges and opportunities regarding its use.

The briefing for the Level(s) pilot projects will be held on Thursday, 6th May 2021, 9:30 – 12:00 hours, via Zoom Platform.

The briefing for the GBC’s with certifications will be held on Wednesday, 12th May 2021, 10:00 – 12:00 hours, via Zoom Platform.

  • DGNB will provide the project’s perspective on the alignment of Level(s) with certification schemes within the LIFE Level(s) consortium
  • Consortium partners; Dutch GBC, Irish GBC, GBC Italia and GBC España will present the possibilities of integration with Level(s) framework
  • Level(s) pilot projects will be provided with an opportunity to discuss the potential of using a common Level(s) conform reporting template
  • GBC’s will be able to preview the integration potential of Level(s) in their certification schemes

Additionally, the briefing for the Level(s) pilot projects will have the valuable addition of speakers outside of the consortium:

  • Josefina Lindblom, Policy Officer Sustainable Buildings, European Commission; DG Environment
  • Judit Kimpian, Chair – Sustainability Group at Architects’ Council of Europe
  • Peter Andreas Sattrup, Chief Consultant, Danish Association of Architectural Firms
  • Christian Donath, Managing Director, ECO Platform AISBL

The idea behind the LIFE Level(s) project is to work with stakeholders from the public and private sector and certification schemes to explore how the key Level(s) framework indicators can be implemented on a pan-European scale.


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