Creating a base for capacity building on integration of Level(s) – project Action B.3 kick-off

The early days of the month of May 2020, proved significant in regards of Life Level(s) project as its Action B.3 had started its execution. With the leading beneficiary Alliance HQE-GBC, the goal of the action is to create a strong platform for the implementation of Level(s) into public procurement by working hand in hand with public authorities and national governments.

Aside from offering an unparalleled opportunity to raise awareness on Level(s) indicators such as LCA (life cycle assessment), LCC (life cycle costing) and IAQ (indoor air quality), project Action B.3 looks to drive innovation across the construction supply chain while ensuring that the regulations and procurement standards are in line with these developments. Also, the idea is to change the way Europe looks at the building processes, emphasizing the importance of buildings sector in delivering on ambitious climate change targets.

The steps of the B.3 project action will start at identifying the requirements of procurers who want to use Level(s) indicators, continue with the development of recommendations and best practices, to finish with the establishment of training programmes for relevant construction sector stakeholders to be rolled out in project Action B.4.

In line with that, the first step will be carried out in alignment with the network of GBC’s in Europe to gain a better understanding on the main challenges, both legal and technical, faced by public bodies and stakeholders in integrating LCA, LCC and IAQ into public procurement and to analyse current practices.


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